Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Alrighty then

The summer is underway. I have been working my ass off at the coffee shop and trying to help out at Milltown as much as possible. Yesterday was my first day off and all I wanted to do was sleep. Oh well, saw the new pirates lastnight with Derek and that was a nice change.

My bike situation right now. I have a steel frame ordered from Badger Cycles, and I have a new mag from Zinn that I am going to be selling on ebay. anyone need a Large bike? Give you a nice deal. Anyways I am now riding a SS surly bike around as my day bike and I am attempting to train on the Trek as much as possible. I cant really push the bottem bracket to far, Ben and I found some age/stress cracks forming so I am just playing it easy now until I have a safe bike. Anyways. I am excited for the Badger. Its going to be sweet.

Alright, I hope this is a nice update, I dont really have any internet at my apartment so any updates will be few and far between with my ability to get online.

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