Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In search of Chub Lake

SO I got lost today... And some guys at a muffler repair shop almost in Lakeville helped get me back on track. So I got in 25 miles in around an hour and twenty minutes. Not too shabby. I quatered the wind for the last two thirds of the ride, so that explains the good time on an easy day. I kept my heart rate around 135 for the most part. It got up around 150 on some climbs... but thats usual. I outlined my route today on route slip. It is cool. Anyways. I have a couple of pictures on how getting ready to ride in the cold looks.

How bout some vitamin D please?

The tools for survival.... cant carry a hatchet... yet that might have benefit... a hatchet and some matches.... :)

The best protection....

Me attempting to grow some Cipo hair.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a hoot, Cipo!!