Monday, April 23, 2007

I realize I haven't been keeping up

Alright, so the last couple of weeks have sucked for training, thanks to school and stuff.

So Saturday was the first race for me. I got in the winning break away, and then decided that it wasn't going to make it, and proceeded to back off. Only to find myself in no mans land, and calling myself a dumb shit. Kyle, my team mate pulled out a second and I didn't do so hot. I ran out of water about the second lap and proceeded to cramp the whole third. Someone nice gave me a bottle at the feed zone and I proceeded to race on into the wind alone.

As punishment for my stupid deed. I made myself ride 5 hours Sunday. Into the headwind as much as possible.

Then today as monday. I road a 2 hour recovery/ some intervals day. Felt good. got to get on the homework. Later


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