Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I had a job interview at the Hideaway this morning, so did not get to ride. And this evening it was snowing/sleeting/raining. So I decided to forgo riding, and run to Carleton and back to Olaf. It was nice, got some good running in. Oh well. But I got the job though too. So I will be working this summer at one of the coffee houses on division street. FUN stuff. I love coffee, and I get free smoothies... or what I want to do is eat the damn fruit. The hardest thing about college is the shitty fruit, we have an amazing caf dont get me wrong, but I am so sick of shitty bannana. I wanna eat berries and stuff... which they never have. Anyways, I am excited. I might actually start some time before the summer... money is money. They also seem really flexable about the work schedule, so I will probably have no problem getting to race. Lovin it.

On other news, I dont feel like I have enough of a base built up, so I am going to spend the next couple of days building a base and then I have the choir tour this weekend, meaning I cant race the home race... oh well, I dont really want to do the course that was designed to kill me... thanks ass holes (j/k) Anywho, I am going to get my base together before the next weekend. Even if I dont have a lot of speed. I just got to get my body ajusted to the Zinn, I love it, but I wanna get better. Moving on, I hope everyone is doing good.

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