Thursday, April 26, 2007

Solo, sort of

Road out towards hampton with Brandon. We started with a spring like start towards Dan Casper's house, cuz Brandon had left his shoes... Anyways. Got the shoes, and a narly warm up. we headed out of town and about 88 Brandon said he was turning around. He had a really hard day the day before, so I was cool with that and just kept on trucking for another hour and half. Then turned around and proceeded to do time trial intervals of 3 minutes with the wind(made me feel fast). I got back in 48 minutes. Really fun. So I got pretty much a 3-330 ride in today. Plus I worked 7 hours at the Hideaway, and Aced a Math test. So felt good about today. Gonna lay down and die now. Hopefully I can get one of the boys to help drive tomorrow so I can take a nap... Brandon you down for that? no 90 mph speeding tickets though please.....


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