Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Easy Day

Did a northwest passage loop in an hour and a half in the small chain ring, stopped for a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin, and then did another in the big chain ring. Didn't really want to push it today. Let my legs recover some, and work on my endurance. All and all I got a nice 3 hours in the saddle, and got the bike all cleaned off. Not too bad.

PLUS, on my first lap, instead of taking 86 or 272, I took 267. This is a farmers sand/gravel/dirt road. That was PERFECT, for cobble/pave training. It eventually connects back to 86, and it adds a couple of miles through some great training. I felt so bad for my chain after dooing that, that I went to mike's and grabbed some lube and go to make a special treat for my chain ;)

Talked to seth, he said he would help me with the bike put together if I needed it, as long as I can get it home in time for him to work on it some during his spring break. should be sweet!

Over and out

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