Sunday, March 11, 2007

Shot in under an hour and a half

So I count today as my speed work. Peter, Finn, and I road out at 130ish and headed south towards Far-boat... as we would say in the south. Anywho, we had a STEADDY 15 mile an hour head wind the whole way. With up to 22 mile an hour gust... THAT was fun! Finn and Peter must have felt fresh, but I had ridden the day before and my legs felt like lead for the first 10 miles or so... ugh, so frustrating. Anyways we got to Far-boat and got something to drink and sat, basking in the sun light on a bench. At 41 degrees it was the warmest day any of us had seen in a while. We turned back, and came home a different way. Finn spanked me with this bitch of a hill that seemed to just never end, it wasn't even that steep, just when you thought you had finally reached the top, it kicked up again. I found it much more annoying/harder than Sogn, just because I couldn't adjust the amount of effort I need to put oout to survive....

Anyways, we had a 15 mile an hour tail wind the whole way home, and made it back in about 25 minutes.... SCARY. Finn and I shared attacking the rollers on the way home, just getting in a bunch of up hill sprints. I loved it! Anyways, got back and took a shower with the bike... that was hot!
Got some homework to do tonight, and a take home math quiz on game theory.


I went up to the Cities on Saturday afternoon and joined a club there called MBRC

You can learn more about it at,

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