Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Excitment in the air

Brandon walked into my room lastnight, and was way to excited for racing to be started. But everything is contagious. I can't wait for the snow to melt. Sethrie put up pictures of the Georgia Southern race. It got me gunning. So tonight I only did an hour, but I did three 1 minute pulls at 180 bpm in the 53-14. Then to finish it all up I got a 20 sec. all out sprint in. I only did an hour, so I could get in some extra bio studying.

Here you go seth. I do have some cows growing...

The Fleet in the blizzard...

This is my dorms igloo... yes, there is a bike buried in there.

Anyways. My body weight keeps going down and I am feeling good. Hope everyone is doing good.

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